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  • What does noteslah actually do?
    noteslah is a notes sharing platform which aims to make studying and learning easier for everyone. We are by students for students platform! Contributors help to upload and share independently created outlines, notes, study guides, mock questions, flash cards, cheat sheets, marked essays, presentation slide decks to the public royalty-free. On the receiving hand, beneficiaries can download these notes free-of-charge.
  • As a beneficiary, what do I get?"
    Study notes available in the noteslah library are completely free-of-charge to you.
  • As a contributor, what do I get?"
    By sharing your study notes, you'll be able to help your juniors and learners all around the world. Thank you for sharing!
  • Why do I need to register as a member?
    You don't need to register as a member to download the free study notes. You'll only need to register as a member to share your notes and contribute in the forums. By registering, it allows you to receive better, customised support.
  • Why so good got free notes?
    noteslah aims to make studying and learning easier for everyone. In order to do so, noteslah absorbs all running costs (eg web hosting, server and maintenance costs). You can chip in by sharing your notes. Share now!
  • What if the notes I want to contribute are in hard copies?
    You can scan/take pictures of your hardcopy notes. Some applications you can use are: Office Lens, Camscanner.
  • How's the quality of notes maintained?
    The uploaded notes are peer reviewed based on its popularity and usage. Through the Likes function, popular notes will be featured. On the other hand, the Report function allows the notes will be checked for inappropriate material. Ideally, uploaded notes should go beyond summarising the material covered in class, and include independent analysis and commentary.
  • I'm the rights owner and my study notes have been posted without my consent. What can I do?
    If you're the rights owner, and believe content has been posted without your consent, please contact noteslah. To report violated content, please email the details of the content with the subject line “Notes infringement” to us and we'll investigate. Kindly include the following information: Physical or electronic signature; Identification of infringed work; Identification of infringed material; Contact information for complainant; Statement that the information contained in the notification is accurate. Upon receipt of such notification, noteslah may remove the infringing material, cancel the contributor's membership and ban the individual from using noteslah.
  • Which file formats can I upload?
    Documents: DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, ODT, ODP Images: JPG, PNG, GIF Vector art: SVG Music: WAV, FLAC, M4A, MP3 You cannot upload password-protected files.
  • What're the file size limits?
    Documents: 25MB Images: 25MB Vector art: 250KB Music: 360MB
  • Where can I send feedback or suggestions?
    There're two ways to contact us: 1. Send us a text through the chat icon on the bottom right corner of your screen. 2. Complete a form at the bottom of the Home page.
  • Who owns the notes?
    noteslah does not own, acquire, sell, license/sublicense any interest in the products sold through noteslah website. noteslah does not take ownership of any goods and services transmitted through its’ website.
  • I think I've seen a similar notes sharing platform before. What's the difference?
    Most notes sharing platforms are marketplaces where the website makes a commission every time a seller transacts with a buyer on their platform (eg StuDocu, Nexus Notes, notexchange). As noteslah is completely free-of-charge, we rely on contributors to share royalty-free notes to the public, while beneficiaries can download these notes free-of-charge. We hope that by creating this by students for students platform, used study notes will regain its value and become upcycled.
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